05 Feb Don’t take breaks and see what happens
Lately I’ve been laser focused in meeting my milestones. These are the big ones: Get season 2 launched and continue executing timely, relaunch this newsletter, start building press/PR opportunities, open an online store (with tangible products), develop digital resources, and add services.
I’m knocking them out—not perfectly, but I’m feeling good about my progress and I’m learning as I go.
Over the last week, I’ve been working a lot. That’s due to my excitement to achieve the goals (and hello! fulfilling dreams), and also, I feel pressured. The latter is all about adding revenue here. That should be no surprise to anyone building their own thing. It’s always something we’re trying to balance. And it’s not easy.
I also didn’t take many breaks lately. I got caught up in getting shit done.
I know this lesson already.
But it was a good reminder when a pain in my back flared up. As in I injured my back last summer and I’m not having it again! I needed to get out of my office chair and go do something else—and follow through on a healthy schedule for solopreneurs, like this one.
So this week’s adventure included too much time in front of my screen and not enough real-life experiences.
It’s not all bad. I’m starting work on that online store this week (that’s literally a new adventure for me), and I’m LOVING how season two of My Big Story is turning out.
What are you doing to keep a healthy schedule?
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